The physics laboratory is for the better development of the diploma students to provide practical understanding and opportunity to enhance their knowledge by exploring. It is well organized and equipped with all the necessary instruments. The students studying the courses basic physics and engineering
physics perform the experiments in this laboratory. Engineering physics is offered to students of civil engineering, mechanical engineering and plastic engineering in first semester and chemical engineering in second semester, while Basic physics is offered to electrical engineering students in the second semester.

Engineering and Technology have become interdisciplinary with silence as a sciences contribute immensely to the development of engineering practices, For that we have design chemistry laboratory to furnish practicals as per the industrial needs of diploma engineering students.

Electrical Circuits laboratory is conducted for the diploma students in their 2nd Sem(DC Circuits) and 3rd Sem(AC Circuits). In the Electrical Circuit Lab is well equipped with all the experiment set up such as Ohm’s Law verification setup, Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s voltage Law (KVL) verification setup are present. The lab is also equipped with instruments like megger, all type of resistive inductive and capacitive load are present for performing R-L-C ckt. It also include all types wattmeter,clip-on meter, D.C supply board, etc. Electrical Instrumentation laboratory is conducted for the diploma students in their 3rd Sem. In this course students perform basic experiments on Bridges to measure resistance,inductance and capacitance.

The strengths lab is equipped with testing systems for learning principles of strength of materials, observing mechanical behaviors of common engineering materials under various loading conditions, and becoming familiar with modern sensors.The strengths lab shares space with the soils lab, consisting of universal laboratory equipment for learning and practicing industry-standard soil test methods.
Equipment: Tensile strength test system, Torsion machine, Digital direct shear test machine Unconfined compression machine

The fluids lab houses the tools you’ll need to learn calibration principles, make fluid and flow measurements, and collect, analyze, interpret, and communicate clearly the data and results of a fluid-mechanics experiment.
Investigations: Fluids properties, Fluid statics, Velocity measurement by Pitot Tube, Bernoulli Theorem, Continuity Theorem, Momentum Theorem, Friction loss of pipe flow, Drag force, Channel flow measurement

Fabrication Laboratory is a small-scale workshop offering personalized fabrication. This laboratory is typically equipped with various machines with the aim to make "almost anything".

General Workshop forms an integral part of the Institution as it is heavily involved in carrying out the practical oriented study of various manufacturing activities with the help of some sophisticated equipments and machineries and tools.Basic Engineering workshop curriculum is framed in all engineering/technology diploma programmes so as to make all the students proficient in the use of hand tools, equipments and machineries in various workshop sections like Machine Shop, Welding, Carpentry, Fitting, Sheet metal, Smithy, Foundry etc. Also with the assistance of quality supporting staff, students are able to carry out the fabrication work for their project work as part of their course study.
Fitting: In fitting shop various processes are performed on metals to give them desired shape and size and fit them with mating part. Both ferrous and non ferrous metals are dealt in this section.
Sheet Metal: Provides with the necessary skills and techniques to work in the sheet metal fabrication occupation, giving you instruction in the use of portable power tools, sheet metal working equipment, shearing machine, bending machine etc. Learn to create various sheet metal articles such as trays, cups, jars, ducts etc.
Welding: A well maintained and advanced Welding section is another attraction of the General Workshop. Welding Provides hands on introduction to the common welding processes used in industry. Course will include SMAW, Oxy-acetylene Gas welding, MIG, TIG as well as appropriate safety pro
Carpentry: Carpentry is a skilled trade in which the primary work performed is the use of wood to construct items as large as buildings and as small as desk drawers. In carpentry shop students learn to do wood-work like to make wooden furniture, wooden articles etc.

As per the revised curriculum ,students have to be proficient in the computer aided drawing/drafting and computer aided designing training enjoys an important position in it. It comes from the realization that in this modern world time and accuracy is the main point of concern. It was the importance given to the training in computer drafting comes from this realization and they are supposed to have adequate knowledge in the practical as well as the theoretical side of the various training programmes under the light of these facts .
The ADVANCED COMPUTER LAB facility can make the students to utilize their maximum creativity and abilities from here. The availability of good quality equipment like 100 desktop computers with 10 KVA-UPS, Printer, DLP, Design softwares etc, are make it to conduct architecture design classes effectively.

The well-equipped machine shop of the department offers conventional machining processes for the practical purposes of the students of the department Institute. This workshop provides a safe environment for the students under the guidance of highly skilled craftsmen to assist students with the strong theoretical knowledge they gain from the university. The machine shop conducts practical sessions for the students, guide students in their projects and conducts training programs as well.
Machinery of the machine shop: • AC & DC Motor • Slipring Motor • squirrel Cage Motors • Electric Machine Trainer Machine • Shaper Grinders • 3grinder • Surface Grinder • Furnace for heat treatment

The well-equipped machine shop of the department offers conventional machining processes for the practical purposes of the students of the department Institute. This workshop provides a safe environment for the students under the guidance of highly skilled craftsmen to assist students with the strong theoretical knowledge they gain from the university. The machine shop conducts practical sessions for the students, guide students in their projects and conducts training programs as well.
Machinery of the machine shop: • Lathe Machines • Shaper Machines • Milling Machine • Radial Drill • Shaper Grinders • 3grinder • Surface Grinder • Capstone lathe machine • Furnace for heat treatment

Electronics laboratory is used with the course on "Digital Electronics ", "Electronics Components and Circuits" and "Power Electronics". Digital electronics laboratory is very important to the 2nd year 4th semester students because in this lab student learns the basic working of the digital electronics circuits.The experiments included in the curriculum cover majority of the digital circuits studied in theory like logic gates, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, encoders, decoders, adders, subtractors, flip-flops, counters, registers etc. Digital electronics is also the base of computer technology. Today complete computers on a single chip, called microcontrollers, bring "intelligence" to many products of our daily use. Electronics Components and Circuits laboratory is conducted for the diploma students in their 3rd Sem.This lab has Oscilloscopes, signal generators, multi meters, etc. to carry out experiments. Power Electronics laboratory is conducted for the diploma students in their 5th Sem. Power Electronics Lab is a universal learning platform which is very useful for Students to understand the concept of power electronics. Students can perform experiments like VI characteristics of the power electronic devices, single phase controlled rectifiers, DCDC choppers, Inverters etc.

Our surveying lab offers supplemental experience in fundamental land surveying measurement methods for surveying courses, including precision steel taping methods to perform horizontal measurements, traditional transits and digital theodolites to perform angular measurements, and traditional and automatic levels for elevation measurements.In addition, students have opportunity to use total station equipment, which enables horizontal, vertical, and angular measurements to be made in one operation.Specialty
equipment: Total Station, Digital Theodolite

Fluid mechanics and hydraullic laboratory is conducted for diploma students in their 3rd semester . This laboratory is well equipped with the experimental set up like Bernoulli's appratus, Reynolds’s experimental set-up, Different types of pressure measuring devices like Manometers and mechanical gauges, For measure fluid flow like Venturimeter,Nozzle,Orifice meter and “V” notch, Appratus for determine major and minor head loss through pipes, Test rig for testing of centrifugal pump etc.

Operation Laboratory is Equipped with Experiments like Jaw Crusher, Roll Crusher, Ball Mill, Cyclone Separator, Sieve Shaker, Plate and Frame Filter Press, Reynolds Number, Hydraulic Bench, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Emissivity, Metal Rod, Composite Wall, Insulating Material, Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, Free Convection, Force Convection, Stephen Boltzmann,Vapor Liquid Equilibrium,Absorption Packed Tower, Electric Oven, Swenson Walker Crystallizer, Solid-Liquid Extraction, Packed Bed Distillation and Distillation with DCS used to teach students the practical applications of courses like Mechanical Operation, Fluid Flow Operation, Process Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer Operation.

The material testing laboratory provides the testing of civil engineering materials such as cement aggregates, sand, concrete etc. The compressive testing machine of capacity 3000tonne is capable to perform the compressive strength as well as flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete. The universal testing
machine of capacity 600KN is used to get the tensile behavior of steel. This lab is also capable to measure the workability of concrete mix regarding the concrete mix design.

CAD LAB is conducted for the diploma students in their 3rd Sem(Computer Aided Machine Drawing) and 4th Sem (Computer Aided Design).An arrangement of 27 computers with CAD software installed like Auto CAD and Autodesk Inventor. At CAD lab, students get training on 2D drafting and 3D Solid Modelling of Mechanical engineering drawings using the latest version of CAD software.

Thermal Engineering Laboratory used in the subject of TE 1, TE 2, etc. for the mechanical engineering student in their 4th and 5th semester. It is well equipped Laboratory in which Four stroke Diesel engine test rig, Multi cylinder petrol engine test rig, Vapour compression test rig, various tools kit and various models of Boilers and IC Engines are available. This Equipment is used to perform practicals like study of, various boiler, to measure the performance of IC ingine, to find out COP of refrigeration system etc. in above cited subjects. By doing practical work in this Laboratory, student can understand the concepts and varios principle of Thermal Science.

The Testing Laboratory equipped with various machineries and equipments imparts hands on practical training to students in the areas of subject as per the syllabus designed by university includes testing and quality control assignments, plastics materials/ products/ composites testing/inspection. Equipments: HEAT DEFLECTION TESTER, MELT FLOW INDEX TESTER

For students, classroom environment is very important. The size of the specious classrooms of ARYABHATT POLYTECHNIC,BODHGAYA are big enough to accomodate more 60 students with comfortable, eye soothing and excellent interior. The color of the walls are milky white, the type of furniture and flooring have been specially designed and carpented to avoid any kind of posture related health hazards. The amount of light and the room arrangements of college really set the environment for students to quench their thirst of gaining knowledge.

Library is the hub of information, a place where thoughts are stored, history comes to life and where students can concentrate on a task or acquiring information without much distraction or diversion. JIS School of Polytechnic supports a voluminous Central Library consisting of 10,000 books, 90 journals and a large number of national and international e-journals so that student can be furnished with extensive, up-to-date and 360 degree information round the year.

Student Accommodation and Amenities
Separate Boys & Girls hostel are available both in outside and inside of the campus. For Girls total 220 seats are available and for Boys 120 seats are available. All hostels are facilitated with Internet connectivity. Quality foods are being provided to the students. All hostels are governed by the Hostel Administration Committee. Separate Hostel Superintendent & Hostel Wardens are there to look after the students. Some of the key features are like:
1. | There are seperate Hostels for boys and girls. |
2. | To ensure fitness and entertainment of the boarders, the hostels are equipped with indoor sports facilities like table tennis, carrom, and outdoor games like volley balls, and badminton. |
3. | Some recreation facilities like television sets and cable connection are available in the hostel common rooms. |
4. | To bring an effective communication, STD/ISD and FAX facilities are also available. |
5. | Well equipped separate Gymnasiums for Boys and Girls. |

Aryabhatt Polytechnic,Bodhgaya’s canteen provides healthy and balanced Indian vegetarian & non Vegetarian food. Fruits are also provided at each meal. The food is cooked, stored and served in the most hygienic conditions. The inputs from qualified dieticians and nutritionists are taken in determining a balanced and healthy menu for the pupils.
Mess Facility
Aryabhatt polytechnic,bodhgaya provides hygienic and nutritious food to children.
We boast of:
- Two spacious dining halls
- Fresh and nutritious meals served daily (salads, curd, pulses, fruits, desserts etc.)
- Supervised lunch (Aayas help the small children in feeding)
- Emphasis placed on dining etiquettes
The best part about an in-house school mess is that the students have hot fresh meals!